Here are the Deliverables from Phase 2 of the project - which give a full account of what has been achieved in COASTALT
The COASTALT executive summary has highlights of the results and lists all the recommendations stemming from the whole COASTALT project. Specific deliverables illustrating the results from the various work packages are linked below:
D1.2a Processor Technical Note details the recent improvements to the COASTALT Processor
D1.5 Coastal Mask utility explains how to use the popular GMT software to create coastal masks that are then used to limit the processing to coastal track segments
Results on the GNSS-derived Path Delay (GPD) correction for wet tropospheric effects:
D2.1a Global assessment of GNSS-derived tropospheric corrections
D2.1b GPD output for CGDR for European coasts
D2.1c GPD global implementation
D2.1d Data combination and GPD validation
Local tide models:
D2.2 Local Tide Model for the West Iberian Region
Innovative Retracking Techniques:
D3.2 Bayes Linear Retracking of Radar Altimetery Data
D3.3 Development and Implementation of the Hyperbolic Pretracker
D3.4/5.3 Implementation of the Bayes Linear Retracker (D3.4) and validation (D5.3)
Product Handbooks:
D4.1a Product Specification fully specifies format and contents of the Coastal Geophysical Data Records (CGDR), i.e. the output of the COASTALT processing chain.
D4.1b User Handbook is a complete, user-oriented introduction to coastal altimetry and to the use of COASTALT CGDRs.
D5.2 Report on validation of reprocessed height and waves - this gives details on the validation of the latest CGDR (v2.0r3) from the COASTALT project, over the various pilot areas.
Work Package 1 - User Requirements for Coastal Altimetry
Here are the two similar surveys that were distributed to the coastal community: the PISTACH user survey and the COASTALT user survey.
The results from the surveys are in a Technical Note (D1.2) and in a summary presentation by Claire Dufau and Cristina Martin-Puig.
Work Package 2 - Improvement of Corrections
This WP has investigated the state of the art and possible improvements in the path delay corrections and geophysical corrections.
The results from WP2 work and the ensuing recommendations are in a Technical Note (D2.1 to 2.5).
One particularly valuable aspect of the COASTALT work dealt with the implementation of a novel GNSS-derived correction for Tropospheric path delay, whose results are in a dedicated Technical Note (D2.1b). (see Phase 2 above for updated results)
Work Package 3 - Retracking and Processor
This workpackage revolves around the COASTALT processor, whose architecture is illustrated in this poster. We also investigated innovative retracking techniques - see Phase 2 results above
Work Package 4 - Product Specification
This started the Product Specification Document describing the new Coastal Geophysical Data Records (CGDR). A newer version is available from Phase 2 - see above
Papers Presentations & Posters
See the COASTALT bibliography page for papers, presentations and posters