Coastal Altimetry Comes of Age in San Diego

The 5th Coastal Altimetry workshop took place on 16-18 October in San Diego, USA, just before OSTST. Many results and findings from the Coastal Altimetry Community were shown at the Workshop, and a Workshop summary was then presented to OSTST by Paolo Cipollini and John Wilkin.

It quickly became apparent at OSTST that the altimetric community now fully recognizes the coastal zone as one of the crucial domains of application - and an incubator of new ideas on retracking and corrections, that eventually bring benefits to the whole altimetric processing chain.

Please follow this link to all presentations and posters. A full workshop report will be available soon. In the meantime you can also have a look at a few pictures of the workshop:

Group Photos:  1   2   3   4

Poster setup:  1   2
